Empresa: BASA
Provincia: Barcelona
Población: Barcelona
Descripción: The company provides its customers with solutions and technologies for dealing with the most complex problems in High Performance Computing (HPC). The company has experts in several fields, capable of providing services and solutions which cover multiple areas such as cluster design, supercomputer administration, and user support. Nowadays we are looking for a a passionate and very proactiveCOMPUTATIONAL SCIENTIST to join the HPC support team.
Job functions include teaming with HPC support staff to answer user questions and solve technical problems by telephone, email, and onsite. Tasks include interactive issue troubleshooting, following client issue tickets through to resolution, documenting resolutions in a knowledge base, working with application and system owners or supporters to identify advanced solutions, installing and configuring applications, studying, and improving applications performance, and developing and presenting user training.
-Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
-Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
-Núm. Hores setmanals: 40
-Horari: 9-18h
-Retribució brut anual: 25.000-35.000
-Categoria professional: Tècnics superiors i assimilats
-Formació reglada requerida: k. Enginyeria Superior – k. Enginyeria Superior
-Formació complementària: Bachelor´s degree or equivalent experience in computer science, computer engineering, or a related discipline.
-Temps d´experiència: 1-3
-Coneixements informàtics: Deep knowledge of Linux and cluster computing environments
Applications support experience
Parallel code development and tuning acquaintance
Experience using and supporting batch schedulers/cluster
Compilation of HPC applications/libraries
-Altres requeriments específics: Application provisioning with EasyBuild and Spack
Experience with Singularity containers
Knowledge of Slurm, LSF and PBS
Expertise with ML and AI frameworks
Contributions to HPC open source projects, experience with
-Competències personals més desenvolupades: Competències digitals, Treball en equip i Cooperació, Empatia, Pensament Analític
-Idiomes: Castellà – Avançat, Anglès – Avançat
Tecnologías: Linux, HPC, Deep knowledge,
Tipo de Contrato:
Salario: 30000 € – 36000 € Bruto/año
Experiencia: 2 años
Funciones: Soporte Técnico – Técnico Software
Formación mínima:
Grado EEES (Bolonia)